Fertility Massage
Fertility Massage
Fertility Massage has numerous physical benefits but one of the most important benefits is to relax and release tension and emotions trapped within, supporting you through whatever fertility journey you are on.
Fertility Massage Therapy™ was borne, developed and initially introduced to Ireland by the lovely and knowledgeable Claire Spink. Fertility Massage is a nourishing blend of modalities that when combined, aims to bring harmony and balance to the Reproductive, Digestive and Sacral areas. On a much deeper and probably more important level, this unique therapy re-awakens and re-connects women to their bodies, especially their womb. When all aspects of our being are nurtured, a Fertility journey is gently nourished…
What Is Fertility Massage
Fertility Massage Therapy is a deep yet gentle, non-invasive abdominal and sacral therapy that focuses on improving circulation to the abdominal organs, with an aim to improve blood, nerve and lymph flow.
The massage also focuses on releasing physical and emotional tension, helping to loosen harden debris (that has been accumulating in your gut for years) encouraging a natural movement and clearing both physical and emotional congestion, leaving you and your abdomen feeling lighter and freer.
How does Fertility Massage Therapy work?
Abdominal massage has been used for centuries in many traditional cultures around the worlds – from the Mayans to the Chinese, Indian and East Asian traditions – to help women improve their fertility and create a healthy womb. This pelvic fertility bodywork works over the reproductive organs of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries as well as your other abdominal organs such as the stomach, liver, small intestine and colon. The technique also works on the diaphragm helping to improve breathing and oxygenation.
Womb Massage
Your womb sits behind and just above the bladder towards the bottom of the pelvic bowl. Fertility Massage can help a uterus that has become tilted by encouraging it into a more centred and upright position. Your womb may also be compressed by bloated and sluggish intestines, and general lack of healthy circulation in the pelvis. The main artery that supplies the uterus with blood also supplies the legs with blood. If you lead a sedentary or stressful life circulation can be compromised. Improving your overall activity level, engaging in stretching exercises such as yoga or Pilates and receiving skilled abdominal massage work can help greatly. Fallopian tubes can be twisted and congestion, restricted fascia, inflammation, scar tissue, or past surgeries to the pelvic area can all contribute to poor circulation to the womb.
Ovary Massage
The ovaries are located in front of the uterus either side but can be shifted in position due to fascial restrictions. Fertility Massage can help your ovaries by bringing fresh well-oxygenated blood and nutrients to your eggs.
Fallopian Tube Massage
The Fallopian tubes are attached to the sides of the uterus and are very fine tubes which open towards the ovaries. Abdominal massage for supporting fertility may be helpful in supporting the body to clear blocked tubes naturally and helping loosen scar tissue in the reproductive system.
Belly Massage
Part of the abdominal massage works deeply over the stomach, liver and intestines. Massaging the stomach is useful for helping digestion and reducing stress. At first you may become aware of how your stomach feels physically tight and tense due to stress and holding patterns in the body. All health begins in the gut and a relaxed digestive system functions better and supports overall health and hormonal balance.
Liver Massage
Your liver performs over 700 tasks in the body one of which is to process excess hormones and toxins for excretion from the body. The liver is located on the right side of the body just behind and below the bottom ribs. The massage helps improve circulation of blood and energy to the liver.
Small Intestine And Deep Colon Massage
Massaging the intestines is so important for your general health and can greatly improve how well and vital you feel. By massaging the intestines you are helping your body to eliminate impacted faeces and improve peristalsis and healthy function. As well as eating the recommended nutrient dense diet, you want to ensure you improve your absorption of the nutrients. Deep colon massage is very helpful here. Congested faecal impacted intestines can also be heavy, leaving you feeling weighed down, sluggish and bloated and putting unnecessary weight on the womb, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
Is Fertility Massage for me?
If your condition would benefit from relaxing muscle tension in the abdomen, improving circulation, reducing lymphatic congestion, having a better flow of energy, improving alignment of pelvic organs, then yes, Fertility Massage may help you! I would be happy to have a no obligation chat with you to answer any questions you have.
It’s Not Just Good For Fertility Support! Digestive Complaints Respond Well Also:
- Constipation
- Bloating or excess gas
- IBS and other common digestive discomforts
- This massage may also support teens embarking on their menstrual journey and women before, during and after menopause.
Are you experiencing any of the following Fertility Massage may help ?
Blocked Fallopian Tubes / Endometriosis
PCOS / Unexplained Infertility
Ovarian Cysts / Circulation Issues
Menstrual Issues, cramps, heavy bleeds, clotting, irregular cycles
Hormonal Imbalances / Poor Egg Quality / Stress
During our Fertile journey, there are increased stress levels, invasive procedures, emotional turmoil and so many fears and worries; our bodies hold on to these stresses and emotions, usually in our abdomens. Many common phrases demonstrate how we link our emotions to our stomachs…”Butterflies in my tummy”, “Feel sick to my stomach” & “Gut wrenching”.
Fertility Massage Therapy gently eases this tension, helping you feel freer and lighter in mind and body.
You may have been told ‘just relax and it will happen!’ or be watching friends and family effortlessly fall pregnant which only increases your own sense of tension and frustration. It’s so hard to ‘just relax’ even though you know that’s what you should be doing. Taking time out for yourself to be nurtured, and learning how to perform the massage on yourself, will gently encourage you to relax and unwind.
What Ever Your Fertility Story
- Whether you have been trying to conceive for a while or are at the beginning of your journey…
- Already using natural medicine or going through IVF cycles…
- Planning on using an egg or sperm donor…
- Experienced previous miscarriages…
- Same Sex, Different Sex, Single Parent…
Joan McCabe
Why Focus on Reproductive, Digestive & Lower Back?
Our abdominal cavity is serviced by the same neural pathways, connecting the organs, muscles and connective tissue of the reproductive and digestive systems along with the lower back muscles. If one organ or muscle is misaligned, blocked or damaged by scar tissue – all the others will be disrupted, and can, in turn, send the whole body into disarray.
It is important to note that 80% of our immune system lives within our digestive tract, immunity, digestion and fertility are closely linked. Therefore it is important to massage and treat the whole torso area, aiming to achieve Homeostasis!
Fertility Massage is a fusion of bodywork techniques that are drawn from many traditional cultures.
Each treatment will be a blend of leading edge techniques such as Abdominal & Sacral Massage, Rebozo, Pulsing, Energy Therapy & Guided Visualisations to create a unique massage experience, according to the needs and requirements of each client at that time.
Regular Fertility Massage
Regular fertility massage sessions over a period of 3 – 6 months may provide many benefits for the reproductive system. Some of the benefits people have experienced are:
- Helping to reposition a tilted uterus
- Assist in promoting hormonal balance through reducing stress and improving circulation
- Helping to break up scar tissue and adhesions
- Improving circulation bringing fresh blood to the uterus and ovaries
- Massage is very beneficial in reducing stress and your level of stress hormones
- Increasing circulation to the womb and cervix
- Encouraging the liver to remove excess hormones
- Helping the body to rid itself of old stagnant blood and tissues
Improving circulation
Many health issues can be traced back to lack of optimal circulation and healthy circulation is vital for fertility and your overall wellbeing. Delivering fresh, clean, well-oxygenated blood to our organs and cells is of the upmost importance. Massage supports the body’s natural processes helping to return blood to the heart for oxygen, improving lymph drainage and circulation and helping the body to process and get rid of toxins in organs and muscles. There are many causes of poor circulation. The main ones being:
- Having a sedentary lifestyle
- Sitting for long periods of time in work and at home
- Lack of exercise
- High cholesterol
Ovarian Cysts
One of the main benefits of Fertility Massage is that it improves circulation to the ovaries. This can be very helpful if you have ovarian cysts by helping to reduce inflammation, clear congestion and promote better hormonal balance.
How can Fertility Massage help?
Here are some examples of how Fertility Massage can help with common conditions. Please be aware that these benefits are based on traditional practice and, as with any treatment, individual results cannot be guaranteed.
Improving Egg Health
You may have been given the news that your egg reserve is low and of poor quality. You can improve the health of your remaining eggs and one of the foundations of natural fertility is promoting egg health through eating nutrient dense foods and antioxidants which help to protect the eggs integrity from free radicals and improving delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the ovaries through improved circulation – massage and castor oil packs can help with this.
Blocked Fallopian Tubes
One of the greatest benefits of massage is the ability to break up adhesions. Fertility Massage helps to break up adhesions while helping the body to get rid of the remaining tissues. Specialised massage techniques over the womb, ovaries and Fallopian tubes in addition to castor oil packs at home can provide a non-intrusive option that may help women with blocked fallopian tubes and may be worth trying before resorting to more invasive procedures.
Hormonal Imbalances
Massage encourages a healthy “feedback loop” between the pituitary, hypothalamus, and ovaries helping to balance the levels of hormones produced in the body. By massaging the ovaries and benefitting from the stress relieving benefits of massage in general, a healthier overall balance can be established in the body. During your session, the liver is also deeply massaged, which is another important organ for hormonal balance.
Stress caused by fertility issues
Fertility Massage is a very relaxing therapy that works on your core to benefit the whole body and can be very effective as a stress relieving therapy. While you are receiving a massage, the body begins to relax, blood and lymph flow improves, endorphins (feel good hormones) are released, and muscular tension eases. The rhythmic flowing strokes of your professional treatment allied to your regular at home self-care ritual can be a great antidote to stress build up in your body.
Fertility Massage helps the body with congestive issues of the pelvis by improving blood flow in the pelvis. When endometriosis begins to grow in other areas of the body besides the uterus, irritation may often result which then can create scar tissue. This in turn can cause organs to begin to become stuck together by the scar tissue and tight fascia. It may also cause fallopian tubes to begin to twist. Fertility Massage may be helpful for management of pain caused by endometriosis. Endorphins are released during this massage which may help to reduce pain and stress.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is another issue of stagnation in the body. When ovulation does not occur and a cyst begins to grow on the ovaries, this causes a series of imbalances to occur, one of the main ones being hormonal imbalance as the correct level of progesterone is not produced. Massage can also help improve circulation to the ovaries, helping to nourish and bring fresh blood to your eggs. Along with good nutrition, healthy circulation to the ovaries can help support the health of your remaining egg reserve. A healthy diet is essential to counter PCOS.
Unexplained Infertility
With unexplained infertility the best approach is to focus on a 360 degree holistic health plan giving your body and mind what they need to find a natural balance. Specialised pelvic massage can be helpful in many ways if you are experiencing unexplained infertility. The techniques help to increase circulation which in turn helps to increase egg health by bringing fresh oxygenated, nutrient filled blood to the eggs.
Holistic Fertility Massage also helps with the stress of infertility. Stress has been shown in studies to affect hormonal balance by increasing prolactin (the hormone that keeps you from getting pregnant while you are breastfeeding) and raising cortisol (a stress hormone).
Cortisol shares a common precursor with progesterone (a sex hormone) –so it is essential to try to calm cortisol production to optimise your hormonal balance. Massage is very helpful in this area and many women come for treatment alongside other reproductive support as they find the sessions so deeply relaxing and nurturing.
Menstrual Cramps
Do you have pain with every menstrual cycle? There can be many different causes of menstrual cramps and massage may help most of them.
What causes menstrual pain?
- The uterus is having to contract excessively to expel old blood
- A “cold uterus” – this is a diagnostic term used in TCM which means that your uterus that is lacking proper circulation.
- Scar tissue after surgery, PID, or endometriosis may cause a lot of pain when the uterus contracts during menstruation.
- Nutritional deficiencies can effect both PMS and menstrual cramps.
- A tilted uterus may be associated with painful periods.
Fertility Massage can greatly help with painful periods which often resolve within a few sessions (alongside self-care done at home)! It also encourages a healthy womb by helping correct position if tilted, bringing increased circulation to a “cold uterus”, helping to clear scar tissue and adhesions and carrying fresh blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to the womb.
- If you are menstruating at the time of your session, the protocol will be adapted and the womb area will be avoided.
- If you are currently trying to conceive, it is best to receive fertility abdominal massage in the weeks between the last day of your period and ovulation but the protocol can be adapted to most points in your cycle.
- If you are going through IVF/ICSI Fertility Massage may be applied up until point of transfer.
- Fertility Massage is not suitable if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant.
If you have or are concerned about any abdominal health issues you should first consult with your doctor before attending for abdominal massage, whether this is to support fertility or digestion. Your GP must remain your primary healthcare provider. This is a complementary therapy that supports women during all stages of their reproductive life and is not a replacement for any necessary medical care.
As a holistic therapist I do not diagnose or treat medical conditions but work to support wellbeing and healthy functioning of the body. Please also note that there are no pregnancy guarantees from receiving Fertility Massage Therapy™.